Registration for 2024-2025 year is now closed.
Please check in January 2025 again
Please check in January 2025 again
Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji ki Fateh
Waheguru Ji ki Fateh
All registration will be done online. Choose the correct form below depending on whether you are a new student or existing student of Guru Nanak Khalsa School.
For returning students use the form:Registration form 2024-2025 for Returning students
For new students use the form:Registration form 2024-2025 for New students
Please use promocode EARLYBIRD at checkout to get 10% discount. The discount is valid till end of May (PROMO code is now expired)
Your registration is complete only after you have paid using credit card or paypal using the link. The status on the link will change to Paid after you submit the payment
The payments are made through paypal and are competely secure. You have the option of paying through paypal or credit card. You will see the options after you submit the form.

If you have any hardship in paying the fees, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.